Tuesday, July 5, 2011

LEGO Star Wars II

LEGO Star Wars II: The Orginal Trilogy

LEGO Star Wars II: The Orginal Trilogy is action-adventure developed by
Traveller's Tales and published by LucasArts and TT Games. It was released in September 11, 2006.

Let's start with story.
It has 3 episodes. From IV to  VI (A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi). Based on movie more than first one. To the episodes you can access from cantina.
And again it's funny! By funny i mean funny!  It has funny animations without talking as usual,
but at this time the gameplay is somethimes funny to. The funniest moment in game is
''i am your father''  hahahaha
You must see it.
Gameplay is from third person perspective and its world were everything is from lego pieces.
From some lego pieces you can build something that can help you in game.
But with the puzzles they gone to far. On every corner are puzzles.
But those are puzzles for using a small part of the brain.
The new in the game is meele attack. You can punch them.
Meele Attack
The great thing is driving the vehicles.
It can play two players on keyboard. Only thing is  that if two players play
they can't be distance between them becuse they will pull each other.
They could not make split screen? They could but they didn't.
And the game is 1% buggy. That is not worth mentioning.

There are three types of charachters and there is 50 of them.

 They have lightsabers to slice enemy on peaces and they use force for puzzles.

Charachters with guns.

They can shoot and they can use hook.

And Droids 

They open doors. And something new R2D2 can swim.
The new thing is that every charachter accept droid can build or something other with lego pieces.
And you can make your own charachters.
I liked the game it's for kids and gamers.Everyone can play it.
Becuse of litle mistakes  I give it

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